b'CARNIVAL OF GAMES AND CORN ROAST: FAMILIES HELPING OTHER FAMILIES!Local families are sure to have a fantastic timefull of food. Now they can reciprocate as well.at the upcoming Carnival of Games and CornIfeelresponsibleforhelpingpeople,said Roast, which is being held to raise money to helpHeather, who is a longtime member of the Port two new Syrian refugee families settle here. PerryRefugeeSupportGroup.Shepraised The public is invited to Heather Haliburton- Scugog township residents for their generosity, Smiths spacious property at 16950 Old Simcoecompassion and support for the refugees.Rd., Port Perry for a fun fundraiser from 2 p.m. toHeather explained that two Syrian families are midnight on Saturday September 7. The rain date iscurrently going through the process of emigrating Sunday September 8. to Port Perry. One couple has three boys, and the other Admission is only $20 per family, for a feast of Canadianmom and dad has a two-year-old. Medical and security and Syrian food, a silent auction, music, a bon re, a garagechecks, and United Nations interviews, are all prerequi-sale, and games with prizes. The children will enjoy ac- site. These two families are related to Syrian families who tivities such as an egg toss, hula-hoop contest, pond swim- previously settled in Port Perry. Heather was pleased to ming, toonie games, a cookie game, corn husking, donutreport that the established local Syrian refugee families biting,akleenexrace,andotherfun- lledchallenges.are all thriving, with good jobs for the adults, and good Guests are advised to bring their own chairs and drinks. grades for the school children.Thisisthe timethatthePortPerryRefugeeTheyareupstandingcitizensinourcommunity,rst SupportGrouphasorganizedaneventlikethis,andHeather described.Heather is optimistic that it will be successful.The Port Perry Refugee Support Group needs $60,000. TheSyrianfamilieswhosettledinPortPerrytwoto help the two new families get settled, and at present, years ago, are amongst the caring volunteers, who arethey are $10,000. short. The money goes towards rent all teaming up to put on a wonderful day. They were soand other living expenses for a year. During that time, grateful upon their arrival to be provided with a fullyEnglish as a Second Language lessons are undertaken,and employment is sought, so that the families can be- nished apartment, nicely made beds and a refrigerator come independent. The Syrian families who arrived here two years ago were very grateful to be provided with a fully fur-nished apartment, beds nicely made, and a refrigerator full of food. Thanks to donations, the newcomers felt at home in a new country.All proceeds from the Carnival of Games and Corn RoasteventwillgodirectlytowardsthePortPerry Refugee Reuni cation Fund. Heather noted that larger donations are also very much appreciated. Tax receipts are available through one of theve churches involved.For more information, please contact Heather at WE 905-435-7728 or heatherbobdev@gmail.comBy Lynn Campbell, Focus on ScugogFALL BambooSWEATERSKitchen & Bar155 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY facebook.com/168 Queen St., Port Perry905-985-2521www.brocks.ca 905-985-6668 OR 905-985-6999www.bambookitchenandbar.com6 FOCUS - SEPTEMBER 2019'