b'WHO KNEW?!! by Deborah Jones Finotti,Shingles are not only Advertising Representative, found on a roof Focus on ScugogIve had a lot of inquires as to whyDuring my four weeks with very little activity, I real-I did not do a March article, thinkingized one major thing.I am the glue that keeps things back I should have written the February article instead ofrunning in my household. Max was mopey and would my four-legged Latin Lover and then let Max do lastconstantly come into the bedroom to either lay his head months.As they say hindsight is 20/20. on the bed to be patted or lie down beside me or sigh.Life For those of you who have experienced Shingles youseemed to be about him. Gotta love him!!!! My husband can appreciate why I was unable to do my article, and re- was extremely good and tried to keep things going, and ally nothing else.It hit fast and hard, of course we thoughthe did. Also, immensely grateful to my daughter, son-in-it had to be COVID.Sunday I wasand enjoyed alaw and granddaughters for being there and keeping thene long walk in the forest with family, laughing and run- glue airtight.ning around with our granddaughters, (all in our bubble).Thankful to say I am back to normal.I have been re-Monday morning I was online making an appointmentturning calls to my well-wishers and have found out two to be tested at the Prince Albert testing center.Extremelyclose friends are also experiencing Shingles and friends of impressed,Ihadanappointmentwithinthreehours,friends are also experiencing the same, for a total of six.I and the next morning received the results, negative.Byam not sure if its on the increase, although I do know it Wednesday I had a telephone call with my doctor andcan be brought on by stress.I am not a professional and was told to go to the emergency.My experience at Portdont profess to be one, however Im wondering if this Perry Hospital was six hours long, however they wereprolonged pandemic has anything to do with it.Stress extremely professional and did tests to make sure I wasntshows up in many di erent forms.su ering with another aliment. Love Our Hospital. LongAs you can see this is not my usual article, I just wanted story short, I was diagnosed with Shingles. to bring awareness to everyone that if you are eligible to MyexperiencewithShingleslastedfourweeks.Ireceive a Shingles shot, please consider it.havent gone into all the details however I cannot stressAs I sign omy trusty four-legged friend is beside me enough, if you havent had a Shingles shot, please con- with that look of, My article in February was much more sider it, I wouldnt wish my four weeks on anyone.I thinkentertaining than this gloom and doom.when we Google Shingles everyone sees the pictures of aSure enough it was, however I certainly dont need rash.I only presented with three little dots on my back, Ianother skunk incident again.thought I had scratched myself.Happy Easter and enjoy April!!! DeborahShingles is a serious disease. 130 thousand Canadians are diagnosed with it every year. Immunization prevents the reactivation of shingles. Talk to your Health Care Provider about the shingles vaccine.SPRING MARKET IS STRONG AND WE NEED LISTINGS!!Need to clear out your home? Use Betty Jane Short to sell your home and your first bin is on us!Success without integrity means nothing!Not intended to solicit properties already for sale!Betty Jane (B.J.) Short Free bin with Sales Representativesigned listing agreement.Re/Max All-Stars Realty Inc.905-985-4427905-260-2261 www.bjshort.com12FOCUS - APRIL 2021'