b'PORT PERRYARTISTASSOCIATIONOAK RIDGES HOSPICEHappy New Year! From your friends and neighbours atOak Ridges Hospice.Take a walk to thePPAA Backstreet Gallery The Port Perry Artist Association invites you to take a walk down Queen Street. When you see the sign for Panorama, take a walk inside. It is there youll find a set of stairs that will take you to a very special place. Take ref-uge from the cold January weather and venture to a place that will certainly warm your heart. We welcome you towww.oakridgeshospice.comthe Port Perry Artist Association Backstreet Gallery. Due to the generosity of owner Vessna, the Port Perry Artist Association has a home in the lower level of her Panorama store on Queen Street. The newly christened space is called The Backstreet Gallery. Currently there are approximately 20 artists from the PPAA displaying work. It is also an open studio for members to get to-gether and paint a few times a month as well as displayWishing you,their artwork for show and sale. The PPAA worked tirelessly to set up the space. LongBeautiful moments,time member and former PPAA President Delvea Tuff said, We wanted a place to bring the public into ourTreasured memories,world and learn more about how we create.The group has many unsung heroes who have dedicated their time to help clean or donate supplies. As part of the PPAA, IdAnd all the blessingslike to help spread the word and encourage the commu-nity to take a walk to the Backstreet Gallery.A heart could know!You have to come and see the space to truly appreciate the diverse style and talent. It is so wonderful to have the support from this local business. Jindra Cadill is a longHappy New Year!time member and helped make this gallery happen with owner, Vessna. She has been super supportive of our group for a long time. Jindra said. We are truly grateful to have this space. Thank you to Vessna.The PPAA also offers workshops at the gallery that areavailabletocurrentmembersandthepublic.For further information please contact the Port Perry Artist Association: portperryartistsassociation@gmail.comWe look forward to seeing you at the PPAA Backstreet Gallery soon! Thank you for your support. 905-985-8660 | 1-800-248-0848By Lauren Walker, Special to Focus on Scugog westshorevillage.caFOCUS - JANUARY 20239'