b'Little Miss Mu et sat on a tu et,eating her curds and whey, along came a spider,who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Mu et away.SomepeopleknowherasJillParade on Easter Sunday, put on byfrom university.McMullen. But to the excited childrenthe Church Chicks from Port PerryI woreitout,saysJill,nally gathered on Queen St.UnitedChurch.Large,enthusiasticwho replaced it with a Singer sewing for the annual Eastercrowdsgatherinthedowntownmachine. She likes to listen to music BonnetParade,shescore to enjoy the spectacle of nurseryon the radio while she sews. Little Miss Mu et. rhyme characters come to life!Jillhasalsousedhertalentto Therst Miss Mu et costume thatJill has designed and created manymakecostumesforthePortPerry Jillmadeforherselfwasfashionedfairy tale costumes: Miss Mu et, ofSkatingClubovertheyears.Her out of pale pink broadcloth and, Itcourse, plus Red Riding Hood, PattydaughterAngela(nowacoach) lookedlikesomethingthatalittleCake,MissTwinkleTwinkle,Missalwayshadbeautifulcustommade girlwouldwear.Thenextyear,Teapot, Mary Had a Little Lamb andskating dresses. Jill reinvented herself as Little MissThe Mature Woman Who Lives in aOne year, Jill sewed up 20 lobster Mu et, and her new look was brightShoe. costumes for a skating carnival act. pink satin with some yellow accentsItssofuntomakethem,JillWhen Angela was on a synchronized and a touch of blue, with as manycommented. And the characters haveskating team, it was Jill who turned pink aswould ontheas much fun as the people who attendout15Dorothycostumesforaowers t bonnet.the Easter Bonnet Parade. Adults asWizard of Oz number, complete with Theresanoversizedspideronwellaschildrenwanttohavetheirginghamdressesandrubyslipper topofthehat,whichgetsalotofphoto taken with the characters. skate covers.attention,shesaid.Thedelighted Jilllearned to sew in gradeI wouldnt do it if I didnt love it,rst littlekidspointandsay,Lookat6,7and8HomeEconomicsclass,Jillcommented.TheSkatingClub the princesses! And Oh, theres aand she loved it so much that sewing isnt there to make money. Its there to spider! has become a lifetime passion. Herprovide a service to the community. For 10 years, Jill has been part ofmother bought her a Kenmore sew-PortPerryspopularEasterBonneting machine for her graduation giftPlease turn to page 18FOCUS - APRIL 202017'