b'Step Up(continued from page 3) Over the past twelve years, I have had the privilege of Events are the lifeblood of our community, and thatsworkingcloselywithmanyincredibleserviceorganiza-where most of the needs lie when it comes to filling vol- tions, volunteers and fundraising groups in Scugog. Each unteer roles. Ask anyone who has ever lived or worked inone of them is working behind the scenes to make our Scugog; our events set us apart. They allow us to connect,community shine, to ensure everyone is seen and to pro-to engage in conversation and entertainment. They allowvide support for those in need. Signing up to give as much us to support our local business and arts communities, andtime as you can to any of these groups will provide much-they show off our creativity and enthusiasm to potentialneeded support. As they say, many hands make light work! visitorsandinvestors.Withoutvolunteers,theseeventsMy experience in community service in Scugog has been would not be possible. They are an essential piece of thethe springboard to creating a new and exciting tool that puzzle, and we need more! will benefit our community and its service organizations. If youre up for the job and are now wondering, howIntroducing Step Up Step Out North Durham, an online do I take the first step? here are some tips on where to startcommunity that promotes local events and volunteer op-and what to consider. Do some research on your local ser- portunities through our online calendar at stepupstepout.vice organizations and not-for-profit groups. Learn aboutca and our social media channels. We aim to inspire people their goals and missions and decide which look the mostto get involved in their communities and work to build interesting. Once youve determined which position seemsgoodwillthroughconnectionwitheachother.StepUp appropriate, ensure you understand the time commitmentStep Out is for everyone. You can submit your events and and requirements in advance. Some volunteer positionsvolunteer positions for us to promote or look for something can be time-consuming, and others are not. It depends onthat suits your interests! Our blog also contains great tips, what YOURE willing to give and what YOURE passionateinspiration and ideas for getting involved!about. Love the arts? Volunteer with Scugog Arts at CultureImagine a Scugog where each resident gave 2-3 hours of Days. Enjoy fundraising? Join the team at Camilles Closetvolunteer time in a year. That would amount to thousands in raising money for the Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary. Tryof hours spent in service to our community. I challenge all something new, spread your wings, be brave and dont beof you to consider setting aside time for volunteer work. afraid to try on a few hats until you find your niche.Join the Lions Club in collecting eyeglasses for their recy-cling program, become a Big Brother or Big Sister, help the Chamber of Commerce make the Santa Claus Parade an Proud sponsoreven MORE magical experience, spend time supporting of the Easterfurry friends at Pegasus Animal Sanctuary or with the Dog Guides or hop on your bicycle and join The Rotary Clubs Clothing for All Ages Bonnet Contest. Port Perry Pedals campaign! Check our assortment of clothing and gifts The opportunities are infinite, and so is our capability to build goodwill in Scugog. So lets Step Up Scugog and show the world what were made of, not just during Volunteer Week but all year long!By Kristen Meyer-Creamer, Special to Focus on ScugogSecretary - Scugog Chamber of Commerce, Secretary - Scugog Arts,268 Queen Street, Port Perry905-985-7707 Founder - Step Up Step Out North Durham, CaptainThe Queen Bees of Scugog 4FOCUS - APRIL 2023'