b"U P , S T E PPE OUTLooking for something to do?S TVisit North Durham's Hub for Events & VolunteerOpportunities! NORTHRHAMDUStep upfor Scugog! Volunteer Week is April 1622 U P , S T E PPE OAs a youngster, I could often beyes to opportunities outsideUTLooking for something to do?found trailing along behind my par- my comfort zone and prior- S Tents and grandparents at any numberitizing volunteer work. Then Visit North Durham's Hub for Events & Volunteerofexcitingcommunityevents.MyIdiscoveredaworldthatNGrandad would smile and wave hisgave me more than I couldRTHRHAMOpportunities! Otongs at me as I raced past him, bal- give it. DUancing plates and bibs at Lions ClubYousee,volunteerism Lobster Fests. My mom and I wouldisnt just good for the com-sit for hours putting together craft andmunity.Itcanalsobenefit mess kits for Girl Guide jamborees,your health and well being!P , S T Eand there was ALWAYS a communityDid you know that researchU Pclean up or bottle drive to manage.shows that people who vol- PWhat I remember most about theseunteer in their communitiesE Oevents were the volunteers smilingexperiencebetteroverallT Ufaces ookingator somehealtingsatio doand Land enthusiasticftitudes. I sawthh, life tsfaction, ? TSa feeling of contentment and fulfill- higherself-esteemandare ment in their faces that I had nevermorelikelytosucceedinKristen Meyer-CreamerVisit North Durham's Hub for Events & VolunteerOpportunities! ORTH DURHAMwitnessedbefore.Adultsandkidsbusiness?VolunteeringhasNwere having fun and connecting; bestevenbeenshowntoreduceextroverts, and everyone in between, of all, they were taking joy from do- the risk of depression, chronic painthere is a space and a job for every-ing all this work for others.and anxiety. For many groups, suchone. Not as comfortable being around That left an indelible mark on me.as our senior population, volunteer- people? Thats ok! Not every volun-It showed me the importance of dedi- ing can provide a social outlet and ateer position requires you to be public cating time and effort to somethingchance to be part of the community. facing. Sometimes lending your skills bigger than myself. I started sayingVolunteering allows you to learnoryourtimecantakeotherforms. practical skills, build your resume, getSuppose you want to give back but hours for school, connect with friendshave mobility issues or social anxi-and meet new people, enjoy time as aety, or maybe you dont have enough family (yes, kids can volunteer too!),time. In those instances, you can take and open new doors to meaningfula few moments now and then to sup-relationships.Forbusinessowners,port those organizations that do vol-supporting local volunteer initiativesunteer work by sharing their events through sponsorships and empower- and fundraising efforts online. Like, ing employees to get involved in theirshareandcommentontheirsocial communities fosters a healthier, moremedia pages. Write letters to the local productive workplace culture. newspapers, offer to stuff envelopes, The best part about volunteeringor help with admin work. Every little isthat ANYONEcangetinvolved.bit counts.Fromkidstoseniors,introvertsto.Please turn to page 4FOCUS - APRIL 20233"