b'THUMBS UP -to Community Living Durham North (CLDN) for being so proactive in protecting their staff and residents during COVID. They continue to keep ahead of the wave by being extra cautious around our fragile residents and pro-viding more support, education, and PPE to their front-line workers. They along with the Union, CUPE, are doing mo-rale boosting draws for staff, recognizing the great job they are doing in these trying times. Great place to work and be. THUMBS DOWN - it is bad enough that my back street neighbor idles a vehicle for more than 30 minutes in the winter. There is no reason to idle for 10 minutes or more in High Dose Flu Vaccinethe summer. I love the way the lights from an idling automo-now available bile pollute my space at 5 a.m.THUMBS DOWN - Port Perry is losing a great number of mature trees this year, some to disease, but mostly to ram-* Flu immunization available free to all Ontario Residents5 years of age and over with a valid Healthcard.HD Vaccine prioritized for over 65 with high risk illnesspant construction. Large mature trees not only make the such as COPD, Diabetes, etc.Contact our office for details. town more attractive and increase real estate values; they Reserve your dose online atprovide many other bene ts as diverse as reducing energy bills and reducing overall personal stress levels.www.pharmacyassociates.ca,THUMBS UP - to the Parks Department of Scugog Town-Schedule an Appointmentship for doing a great job grooming Re ection Park to make it an inviting location in the downtown core.No doubt the many students involved in the Re ection Park Project ap-or call 905.985.9200 preciate your time and care to maintain its beauty.THUMBS DOWN - to the woman at the grocery store on 11 Water St, Port Perry, ON Friday, Sept. 4th, at around 4:15 p.m. Im sorry for taking so long at customer service.The ticket reader would not read my ticket, the debit machine would not read the chip on my debit card, neither of which gives you the right to yell at me Are you done yet?You are rude and have no patience.In this day and age a little kindness makes all the difference.THUMBS UP - On the weekend (September 5, 2020) we Clothing for All Ages hadJeffsBBQouttoourhousetocaterourwedding. Words cannot express the gratitude and thanks we have for them! They went above and beyond their job and pro-vided all of our guests with an exceptional meal. We cant thank them enough and are so pleased they were able to join in our joyous celebration. We would like to pass on two 905-985-7707BIG thumbs up.268 Unit 3 Queen Street,THUMBS DOWN - as we all continue to wind our way Port Perry through this pandemic, wanted to suggest that people stop Port Perry using Facebook and other social media to take shots at our businesses who are trying their best to keep themselves and everyone else safe, whilst opening their doors for all Return to regular Hoursservices, retail and/or patio or restaurant dining. If you are uncomfortablewithserviceorprotocols,pleasediscuss Monday - Saturday 10 - 5 with owner/manager face to face, rather than taking it to Sunday and holiday Mondays 12 - 5 social media, or stay home until you feel safe.THUMBS DOWN - to those who pile their donations at do-nation bins on the ground when the bin is full. Your dona-tions become garbage at that point and cannot be used. If the bin is full wait till it is emptied or in the case of Diabetes Association, call and arrange for a pickup. On top of this, items piledup aroundthe boxes are de nitely an eye sore to the community.Do you have a Thumb up or down that you wouldlike to see published?Please submittwo or three sentences to a maximum of 125 words to: focus@focusonscugog.com24FOCUS - OCTOBER 2020'