b'CHICHEN ITZA- Another Wonder of the WorldThe Kukulkan pyramid in Chichen Itza can be treacherous to climb.Nestled deep in the jungle, Chichen ItzaLegend has it the altar at the top was is possibly the most famous temple city ofused for religious sacri ces, but there is the Mayan civilization, and now one of theno proof to support the theory. If you have Seven Wonders of the World. watchedMelGibsonsApocalypto,you At the citys heart lies the Temple ofwill see a graphic rendition of the sacri ces Kukulkan (Feathered Serpent), which risescarried out by the Mayans.JONATHAN VAN BILSEN to a height of 24 metres. Each of its fourThedrivefromCancuntoChichen sides has 91 stepsone step for each dayItza is 2 to 3 hours along a toll highway. of the year with the 365th day representedA coach trip should run about $200, plus Mexicohaslongbeenconsideredby the platform on the top. Two of its sides$18 admission. Chichen Itza is the most a tourist haven and in recent years thehave been completely restored, the othervisited site in the Yucatn and can get very Mayan Riviera has become a playgroundtwo were left to show the condition beforecrowded, so if at all possible try and arrive for sun worshipers from northern climates.work commenced. Built around 600 A.D.,soon after the 8 a.m. opening.Lately some of the press has been bad,the temple has withstood earthquakes andUnfortunately you are no longer able howevercarefultouristsshouldnoten- invasions. toclimbthepyramid.Ihavehadthe counter any problems. For those of youOriginallythepyramidwasbuiltforopportunity of climbing it once and found it concerned about swimming in the ocean,astronomicalpurposes,andduringthevery dif cult. Nothing however, prepared the chance of a shark attack on humans isvernalequinox(March20)andtheau- meforthedescent,whichwasmuch one in every 11 million. tumnal equinox (September 21) sunlightworse,asItriedtonavigatethesteep, Asbeautifulasthebeachesare,abathesthemainstairway.Thiscauses50 cm. (20 inch) steps.visit to the Yucatn Peninsula would notseven triangles to form in the shape of aForthemoreadventurous,thereare be complete without a day trip to Chichenserpent that creeps downward until it joinsdozens of hiking trails to explore the 30 or Itza and the Pyramid of the Sun, the gi- the huge serpents head carved in stone at ant pyramid near the center of the site.the bottom of the stairway. Please turn to page 48FOCUS - APRIL 202047'