b'Guest speaker Heather Kanabe spoke on program approaches to audience outreach.SCUGOG CULTURAL CONNECTIONS SYMPOSIUM EVENT SUMMARYThe Scugog Cultural Connectionsmore meaningful and impactful ex-SymposiumwasheldThursdayperience. The Talking Feather Circle April 11 and Friday April 12 at thegavepermissionforparticipantsto WellnessandResourceCentreofbecomepresentandenabledthem theMississaugasofScugogIslandto listen and to share. Scugog artists First Nation (MSIFN). The theme ofalsoexperiencedtheircommunity the event was audience building forre ectedbackthroughtheeyesof artsandculturepractitionersandnewcomers and visitors, and were re-organizations,andtheoverarchingminded that Scugog has a unique arts message, carried through the event,communityofstrength,connection, echoedbyalltheguestspeakers,diversity of interests, and passion. quickly became apparentEngageFridayspresentationsandbreakLeslie Hughes discussed using social yourhearttoinformyourmindtoout groups were led by notable in- media to your best advantage.build your audience.dustry professionals, including key-Andheartswereengagedonnote speaker Jason Maghanoy (play- built on authentic stories build strong Thursdayeveningas60plusdel- wright and Director of Membershippartnerships. egates, representing all facets of theandPartnerSuccesswithTorontoAfter a day and a half of new ideas localartsandculturecommunity,LifeMagazine),MarionMeyersandconnections,thesymposium wereguidedthroughasmudging(Scugog Council for the Arts, Artist,came full circle with a performance ceremonyandaTalkingFeatherBrandingSpecialist),KimBlackwellofdancinganddrummingbythe Circlebyculturalcoordinator(ManagingArtisticDirector,4thMSIFN,concludingwithaninter-Matthew Stevens. It was atting startLine Theatre), Leslie Hughes (Socialtribal dance inviting all participants for thisever multi-arts sympo- Media GuruPUNCH! Media) andto take part and join the circle withrst sium hosted by the Scugog CouncilformerPortPerrynativeHeatherthe performers. for the Arts (SCA) with the generousKanabe (General Manager, HamiltonTo learn more about the Scugog support of the MSIFN and SPARC FringeFestival).Throughtheday,CulturalConnectionsSymposium, Supporting Performing Arts in Ruralparticipants were encouraged tondfuture similar events, or to become Communities. the heart and truth of their own sto- involved with the SCA, visit www.InthecontextoftheTalkingries, to use those stories to speak toscugogarts.caorcontacttheSCA FeatherCircle,anactivity,whichaudiences through brand messaging,directly at info@scugogarts.ca.couldhavebeennomorethanato be genuine and passionate aboutBy Carey Nicholson, networking exercise, became a muchtheirwork,andthatrelationshipsSpecial to Focus on ScugogFOCUS - MAY 201953'