What an event! What a turn-out!!  

Dear Editor

Thank you to the community of Port Perry and surrounding areas for turning up in big numbers for our first Paper-Shred event held on Saturday June 1. Many of us were prompted to clean out those drawers and basements to collect paperwork to shred and support a great cause in Port Perry – Operation Scugog. Under sunny skies people arrived even prior to the start time and began unloading their boxes and bags of paperwork and put the shred truck through a good workout!

The support of our community was incredible- we raised $1,665 in cash donations and a literal bed of a pick up truck with food donations!  We are so fortunate to live in such a generous community!

It was a great day for a great event with a great outcome!!  

Thank you to all of you from 

the Puckrin & Latreille Real Estate Team

***Equipment Day 2024 Cancelled***

Dear Editor

 It is with heavy hearts, we announce that we have cancelled EQUIPMENT DAY this year. With the best of intentions, we had hoped to continue our annual event that shared equipment, and helped our Operation Scugog Foodbank. 

Regretfully, we were not able to collect enough equipment to make it possible. 

We are grateful for everyone who has donated equipment over the past few years. There was overwhelming success with our Equipment Days that we had hosted in the past. So much equipment was donated to share. 

The equipment that we have collected (to this date) has been donated to the Clarington Thunder Hockey League as they are having an Equipment Day on September 8 and we wanted to keep everything as local as we could.

Please accept our regrets and know we will continue to do what we can in our community. We believe in building community and helping each other.

Yours in continued community giving,

Maggie Davison. Port Perry Auto Supply and Rebecca Hoare, North Port Storage