THUMBS UP – to the retired nurse from the Port Perry Hospital who stopped by the gift shop to drop off a $1000 cheque as a donation to the Auxiliary of the hospital. She expressed her thanks to the Auxiliary for the daily work they do in the hospital and for the equipment they buy for the hospital through fundraising. We are fortunate to have such wonderful caring people in our community.
THUMBS DOWN – to those who don’t heed all warnings about staying off the lake! Pretty much every year, our emergency services are put in extreme danger, having to risk their own lives to save those who seem to think they are invincible!
THUMBS UP – to the young person that clears and groom’s the skating rink at the waterfront. He does an amazing job every day!
THUMBS DOWN – to the people who return Christmas items that don’t work, making up other excuses for returning said item. The store will then put the item back out selling it to some unsuspecting customer. This person then has to rewrap the item and make an unnecessary trip to the store. What if they are a senior and don’t drive? What if the item was something they really needed right away?
THUMBS DOWN – to some aggressive pick-up truck drivers, who disrespect the road and other drivers, and are proving to be dangerous. Saw one at 7A and Simcoe pull into the left turn lane to jump in front of the driver pulling up to the red light (ridiculous). They had an altercation at the busy intersection. Saw another altercation on Simcoe (by Costco) harassing an SUV driver, honking and tailgating, terrifying the poor driver, who was not going fast enough. I took picture of plate (sent it to police) and at Columbus Street, stopped at a red light, he got out approached and pounded on my vehicle several times, screaming. Not sure how these folks get a license but are dangerous to the rest of the public (drivers and pedestrians). Having a pick-up does not mean you own the road and can harass and bully others. Chill out and learn some road manners!
THUMBS UP – to all of you that dropped off over 600 coats to Port Perry Auto Supply – CarQuest, at 16050 Old Simcoe Rd., Port Perry, to help keep our community stay warm. Also, please remember, that they also collect your old eyewear, milk bags and pop tabs on behalf of the Port Perry Lions Club at this location too.