THUMBS UP – to each and every one of you out there that participates and supports the many great causes throughout Scugog. Mind-boggling to see the monies raised event after event in this community, it truly is amazing!  

THUMBS UP – to the organizers of the 41st Seagrave United Church Yard Sale, held on May 23, 24 and 25. And as well, we would like to thank the community who came out to help set up and clean up after the sale. It was truly appreciated. A special thank you to Len and Betty Somerville for allowing us to use their yard. May God bless all of you! 

THUMBS DOWN –  to the people that mow their lawn and blow the clippings into the road. Not only is this dangerous to motorcyclists and bicycle riders as it’s slippery but it’s also a bylaw with a fine attached when caught. Aside from being unsightly, it’s inconsiderate to be so rude and not clean up after yourself. Do better people!

THUMBS UP – to legion member Michael Demone and Emerald Painting Systems for donating their time and supplies to dress up the playground on the far east end of the legion property at 484 Bay St., Port Perry. It is colourful, clean and vibrant! Thank you!

THUMBS UP – to Trading Post Quality Foods, for not only having a water station set up for your pups when you are stopping in to shop ….. but you can ask a staff member to walk your dog, while you are. They have lots of green space to roam around.

THUMBS UP – to Matt Passafiume, of Applewood Farm Winery, for bringing home another gold medal for his MacMeade, in the ‘Meads’ category, from the 2024 All Canadian Wine Championships. WTG Matt!

THUMBS UP – to our Durham community, especially Scugog for the unwavering support of Oak Ridges Hospice. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to continue to do what we do for individuals on their end-of-life journey and offer support to their family and loved ones. The generosity of this community knows no bounds. From the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you.