b'JONATHAN VAN BILSENThe many cascades of Iguau Falls.Carnival, Great Beaches and the Largest Waterfall in the WorldIt is a brand new year and many ofAgoodwaytoseeIguauisbyOne of the most amazing sights in Rio us are looking for unique destinationscombining it with Rio de Janeiro, theis Corcovado, and the statue of Christ to visit. One of my favourite places issecondlargestcityinBrazil(nexttoof the Andes. The mountain is 710 me-also one of the worlds best-kept se- So Paulo). The city is amazing, andtres above sea level, and on the tip of crets, Iguau Falls, on the border of Ar- the biggest decision is where to stay.its peak, stands the famous monument gentina, Paraguay. Many people do notI chose Ipanema beach, as I thought itof Christ the Redeemer. Built in 1931, it realize this nearly 3 km long waterfallwas prettier than Copacabana or Leb- is made of reinforced concrete and cov-is the largest in the world, and at twicelon, the other two beaches of Rio. eredwithsmall,soapstonetriangles. the height of Niagara, is also one of theThe views of Rio from the top of Cor-tallest. covado are among the best anywhere. Corcovado Mountain is one of the most popular places for tourists to visit in Brazil. I would suggest getting there early in the morning or late in the after-noon, and certainly try to avoid week-ends when the local people visit.Another reason to visit Rio de Ja-neiro is of course Carnival, which takes place every year In the 5 days leading uptoLent.Thebleacherssetupto view Carnival, are located at the base of Corcovado, but there are usually two million people per day on the streets.More than half a million people trav-el to Rio for carnival, which is termed Beautiful Ipanema Beach. Please turn to page 40FOCUS - JANUARY 202339'