b'MAiD story updateThis is a follow up to my article in the July 2020 edition of The Focus pertaining to my husband, Lester, who chose Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for his end of life. Dear EditorCOVID ASSESSMENT CENTRE On March 17, 2021 Bill C became Law, expanding IS STILL OPEN eligibility requirements to qualify for MAiD. On March 28, 2022 Dying With Dignity Canada The North Durham COVID Assessment Centre willannounced the launch of the new and improved websiteremain open and will continue to provide the high leveldyingwithdignity.ca. This is due to their supporters of service you are accustomed to. The centre, located atrequesting a more accessible website for Canadians so 19 Jeffrey St. in Prince Albert (Prince Albert Hall), willthey could better understand their end-of-life rights in continue to provide care for anyone who has infectiousboth English and French.symptoms and would like an assessment.They speci cally want to highlight a few pages:The centre is staffed by professionals from the Port Get the factsPerry and Uxbridge medical community and is there to Navigating a request for medical assistanceprovide in-person assessments. Testing and treatments Make an Advance Care Plan areprioritizedforthoseatincreasedriskofsevere Education and Resourcesoutcome (to see if you qualify for treatment visit: covid-19. Over the past year, I have been advocating for change ontario.ca/covid-treatment-screener/). in legislation, to allow for choice and preplanning for allAssessment appointments are available for those whoCanadians, as to how they wish to end their life; which would like physician consultation, regardless of whethershould be our rights under the Human Rights and you qualify for a swab or treatment.Freedoms Act.For more information please visit:My focus has been on education because I believe that northdurhamcovid.com attitudes only change with education.Currently, the only option after bene cial medical treatment is palliative care. The palliative care mandate is to keep the patients comfortable by way of medication throughout the undetermined timeline death occurs.MAiD allows the patient an alternative choice. The patient has the opportunity to control the when, where and how.Education must start in universities, colleges and other medical teaching facilities with a review and update of the medical programs to incorporate into the curriculum the following: Training for doctors and nurses on medical management options that extend past bene cialNEUROMODULATORtreatment with the focus on quality of life. INJECTIONS (BOTOX)Educate the patient on their end-of-life rights after they are noti ed there is no bene cial medicalDERMAL FILLERS treatment. EYELASH ENHANCEMENTCommunication training to educate the patientMEDICAL GRADE SKINon palliative care vs. Medical Assistance in Dying CARE PRODUCTS known as MAiD. This training would include how to navigate the paperwork for MAiD. As it stands, I am here to promote having the legislation changed to allow for choice and preplanning, 462 PAXTON ST. SUITE 205 not just the use of MAiD. The current Legislation Bill WWW.LAKESIDEBOTOX.COM C7 does not allow for this because you must meet 905-985-2895 EXT. 5424 requirements.Sincerely, Audrey BaylisINFO@LAKESIDEBOTOX.COMWE WANT TOHEAR FROMPlease send us your letters, maximum of 250 words.YOU! We cannot publish negative letters about individuals or businesses. Submit to: focus@focusonscugog.com 26FOCUS - MAY 2022'