b'HISTORIC SCUGOGby J. Peter HvidstenCanadas Oldest TwinsBrothers inseparaBle for their entire livesW HEN JOHN RAYMES and his twin brother GEORGE were born more than 170 years ago, it was unimaginable that one day they would be hailed as Canadas Oldest Twins. The brothers, born on April 7, 1851, in Peel, Ontario, were only one-year old when their parents George and Caroline Raymes, moved their entire family of seven children to Prince Albert. They settled on a farm just south of the village and as young men, the Raymes Twins, as they became known, worked on the family farm. As they grew closer to manhood their interest in farming diminished, as John and George both became fascinated with steam-powered engines. It was this interest that led them to careers as engineers. George worked for 47 years at Port Perry lumber and grist mills, eventually becoming a supervisor at the Carnegie Milling Company, located along the towns lakefront. John, looking for adventure, turned to the open water. For more than 35 years he maintained the engines of steam-driven boats and barges which plied Lake Scugog and the river between Port Perry and Lindsay. One of the brothers also helped maintain the towns powerhouse, at the lakefront.George married Margaret Boyd Best on July 10, 1882, in Little Britain, Ont., and they raised five children during their life together. John married Mary Jane Hope, on April 13, 1878, in Port Perry, and they became parents two daughters. Despite their difference in career paths, after retiring the two brothers spent much of their leisure time together. They saw eye-to-eye on almost everything, including politics, and as active members of the local United Church.When they turned 90 years old, they were proclaimed to be the oldest twins in Canada, and their pic-tures and stories were published in publications across Canada.A Winnipeg newspaper reported in 1937, that the brothers secret to a long life was plenty of sauerkraut and indifference to birthdays.John reported they put up a 20 gallon barrel of sauerkraut each year, and that was what makes them last. The brothers lived their entire life in Prince Albert and Port Perry. George was 93, when he died onMarch 29, 1946. His twin brother John died one year later, on February 20, 1947.Canadas most famoustwins, were buried side by side at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert.26FOCUS - JANUARY 2022'