b'Oh, its s lig hts! Can you beats On! a this from last yearle t hi mho se C rst Peoples Choice ang (Residential) winner?nt 220 Cochrane St.,U Port PerryScugog Chambers CHRISTMAS LIGHT CONTESTDrivingaroundadmiringChristmaslightdisplays givesfamiliessomethingfunandsafetododuring the pandemic, pointed out Karen Hunt of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce. rst Last year, the local Chamber hosted theannual ChristmasLightsContest.Thispopulartraditionwill continue in December of 2021.Its open to everyone, she said. The Christmas Light Contest brings cheer and bringsThere will beve categories to choose from to enter. the community together, Karen commented. People ofCash prizes will be awarded and there is no entry fee.all ages love to drive around and see the beautiful lightThedateforenteringisFridayDecember17. displays. JudgingwilltakeplacetheweekofDecember20. Karen emphasized that this event is township-wide.By December 23, the winners will be noti ed. Residentialhomeowners,farmsandbusinessesareInformationwillbeavailableatscugogchamber.ca. all invited to be part of this creative competition. You can also enjoy viewing photographs oflast years Last year, there was great participation and some out- magni cent entries online.standing displays, not just in the town of Port Perry butChannelyourinnerClarkGriswoldofNational all over, Karen reported. Examples include Blackstock,Lampoons movie Christmas Vacation fame and get in to Seagrave, Greenbank and Caesarea. the Christmas spirit!2 FOCUS - DECEMBER 2021'