b'Here for You Campaign Hits $3.2MillionMark!Ron and Nancy ComptonThe excitement, pride and gen- campaigntitleHereforYou erosity being witnessed with thespeaks volumes to how our com-Port Perry Hospital Foundationsmunity is here for their hospital.Here for You campaign is some- Manylocalbusinessesand thing very special.groupswhohavealreadyfund-Imhappytoreportthattheraisedorcontinuetofundraise HereforYoucampaignhastoforushavealsohelpedushit date raised over $3.2 million to- thisfundraisingmilestone.We wards our $4 million goal for a CTare so grateful to them and their scanner and other essential equip- customers who take the term sup-mentforPortPerryHospital.port local to new heights. Nutty Strong support from so many inChocolatier,McDonalds,Port ourcommunity,includingtheCheese Co., Scugog Chamber of recentpledgeof$200,000fromCommerce,OldFlameBrewery, the Township of Scugog and anScugog Mechanical, Herringtons, incredibly generous commitmentRoar by the Shores Car Rally, and from Ron and Nancy Compton,many othersthank you.havehelpedusmovewellpastImpleasedtotellyouthat the 75% mark in record time.the CT experts and leadership at Never before, especially dur- LakeridgeHealthhavealready ing this pandemic, has it becomebegunthein-depthworkto moreapparenthowmuchweensuretherightCTmachineis depend and rely on the efficienthereassoonaspossible.While Mayor Bobbie Drew of Township of Scugogoperationofourlocalhospital.they do their important work, we has committed $200,000 over four years toWerecognizehowimportantitmustcontinuetoraisefundsto bring a CT scanner to Lakeridge Healthsistokeepupdateddiagnosticreach our $4 million goal.Please Port Perry Hospital. equipment available to our doc- continuetosupportthisimpor-tors in order to provide them withtant campaign. And, if you dont Port Perry Hospital Foundations the necessary tools to do their jobsalready, follow us on Facebook or Here for You campaign will be the charitableeffectively,andenhancepatientInstagramtostayup-to-dateon recipient of a number of Port Perry 150thcare close to home, said Nancythe latest information, events and Anniversary Celebration events. Compton. When the Port Perryfundraisers. On July 17th, The Port Perry 150 HospitalannouncedthattheyI am confident that, together, Tour de Scugog and Mini Poker Rally willwanted to purchase a CT scannerwellreachourgoal,bringing take place.Visitwww.pphfoundation.ca for our community, we were allCTandotheressentialpatient or www.scugog.ca to learn more in. We have committed $250,000equipment to Port Perry Hospital and buy your ticket. toaidinthepurchaseofthisso it is here for all of us when we wonderful piece of equipment forneed it.Please feel free to email On September 12th, local cycling events our local hospital. We encourageme at ragnoluzzi@lh.ca or call the will be on tap for novices and others to do the same and con- Foundation office at 905-985-7321 enthusiasts at all levels. Check tribute whatever they can to thisExt. 45580 if youd like to learn www.pphfoundation.ca for moreimportant endeavour. more, to make a campaign dona-information as this event takes shape.Thank you to the Township oftion, or with a special story youd Danas Goldsmithing has created lapel pinsScugog, Ron and Nancy Compton,like to share.for Port Perry 150. They retail for $40 + HST and the MANY residents who areRachel Agnoluzziwith proceeds going to the campaign. providing donations at all levels.CEO Port Perry Hospital Contact the store to purchase. SuchgenerosityisprovingtheFoundationFOCUS - JULY 202149'