b'If everyone in the world stood shoulder to shoulder they could allCanada has the most forests in the world.fit in the city limits of Los Angeles.Did you know?(continued from page 71)CanadaswitchedtothemetricHeres another world fact to keep inDidyouknowCanadahasmore system in 1970 (wow, thats 50 yearsthe back of your mind: according to theforests than anywhere in the world. We ago). This was of course done to makePopulation Reference Bureau, since thehave 396.9-million hectares (980 million international trade and business muchtime Homo Sapiens first hit the sceneacres) of forests, or nine percent of all easier.Today,outof200countries,50,000 years ago, more than 108 bil- of the forest area in the entire world, ac-there are only three in the world thatlion members of our species have beencording to Natural Resources Canada.dontusethemetricsystem.Theyborn. A large chunk of that number is are Liberia, Myanmar, and the Unitedalive right now. According to the bureau,And lastly, are you a Facebook user? States. Soon that number will be downthe number of people alive today repre- If not, youre among a number that gets to two, as Liberia plans to adopt thesents a whopping seven percent of theincreasingly smaller every day. In fact, metric system in the very near future. total number of humans who have ever2 billion active users have an account lived. on the social media platform, which is Ever wonder why there are so many more than the population of the United kids? Well, four new babies are bornAlthough the majority of the humanStates,China,andBrazilcombined. everysecond?Doalittlemathandpopulation is currently under 30 yearsFacebooks co-founder and CEO Mark youll find out there are approximatelyold, there are still plenty of older folksZuckerbergpostedaboutthemile-250birthseachminute, 15,000eachamongus.Infact,12.3percentofstone, saying, Were making progress hour, and 360,000 each day. In a fullpeople on Earth are 60 years old andconnectingtheworld,andnowlets year,therearearound131.4millionolder. That number is expected to reachbring the world closer together.babies born on Earth. Maybe I should22 percent by 2050.invest in a diaper manufacturer? TheBritishroyalfamilymaybeAnd there you have it, lots ofthemostfamousroyalfamilyontheinformation for your next triviaDid you know, if all 7.5 billion peopleplanet, but there are still plenty of othernight, albeit virtual .on the planet stood shoulder to shoul- nobles out there. In total, there are 28 der,theycouldfitinthe500squareroyal families who rule over a total ofJonathan van Bilsen is a television host, mile limit of Los Angeles. Im not sure43 countries around the world, includ- award winning photographer, published how comfortable they would be, but iting Japan, Spain, Swaziland, Bhutan,author, columnist and keynote speaker. would certainly make me want to wearThailand, Monaco, Sweden, the Neth- Watch his show, Jonathan van Bilsens a mask, even if there was no pandemic. erlands, and Liechtenstein. photosNtravel, on Rogers TV, or YouTube.72FOCUS - DECEMBER 2020'