b'Preparing for the Holidays Amidst the PandemicIm having trouble imagining the holidays without asonal safety.Rather, they houselled with friends and family.Id happily restrictareprimarilyemotional myself to just having our son come home but I know thatones.Missingoutontheas an essential worker it is simply not safe or responsiblethingswetypicallyen-for him to do so this year.One of the things that I havejoyandlookforwardto beenthinkingaboutlatelyishowfrequentlymilitarymeansthatwemayfeel families routinely experience separations with loved onesdisappointed and sad, and who are away from home servingthe country at all timesmaybe even a little resent-of year.And although that has not been my experience,ful.To be honest, pandemic fatigue is setting in for me. I know such things are very familiar to them. This hasThis is a term coined by Terri Peterson at the University of shamed me somewhat and made me re ect a little aboutSaskatchewan* which I think describes perfectly my desire the costs involved in being a part of a larger community. to ignore pandemic-related cautions.Frankly, Im feeling a The idea of actively practicing social responsibility atlittle weary in well-doing. Ive been good for eight months the expense of personal freedoms, has been a sore pointbut I have my limits; surely one day wont make such a for many.Personally, I resent those people who refuse todi erence, is the temptation swirling around in my head. wear a mask in public and who ridicule the safety meas- But I do know di erently and fortunately, my partner is far ures recommended by health professionals. But it is whatmore rational about these things.it is.I cannot pressure others into doing the right thing, IDr. Bennett* has written about the importance of cop-can only do my part to act responsibly. ing ahead.Bennet suggests that in addition to assessing But very real and pressing questions confront me aboutrisk factors and managing family expectations, we need to the upcoming holidays: What shall we do, if anything, toconfront our emotions.Bennett says that while its okay celebrateandwhatto admit that youre sad and disappointed and that youll willthatlooklike?its entirely possible to stillmiss these events, she adds, its entirely possible to still What is the point ofturn the holidays into a positiveturn the holidays into a positive experience with alterna-celebratingatallifexperience with alternativetive plans, even if theyre not the plans youd hoped for. we are unable to haveplans, even if theyre notCoping ahead, as Dr. Bennett puts it, could involve be-familyandfriendsthe plans youd hoped for.ingexible, honest and creative about how we plan for present? So many ofthe season.Negotiating with family members and friends our traditions and family rituals are not feasible this year.tond ways of meaningfully engaging with them will be But do I decorate anyway? Do I cook the customary foodsthis years big challenge.Can we do a socially-distanced and bake the favourite desserts?Will it be more or lessfoodexchange,anoutdoorsocially-distancedactivity dismal to abandon all of these seasonal practices? Its hardtogether, a zoom visit, a distanced gift exchange?Is there to know. a particularly meaningful tradition that could be shared What I do know is that its important to start asking thesevirtuallyinsomeway?Ordowedefertheoccasion questions now, and for all of us to examine our prioritiesentirely and celebrate when we can safely be together, and start planning. These questions arent just practical orhowever far away that may be? logistical ones, nor are they really discussions about per- Please turn to page 45Coming SoonPersonal training and private fitness studio Madison Solonynko79 Perry St., Port Perry www.trainlikemad.ca 289-356-3700FOCUS - DECEMBER 202043'