b'TIMETORETHINKHOT SAUCEFew experiences in life can o er a daily opportunity for pleasure and exploration.But food presents a notable exception: whether youre preparing a familiar dish, or stepping out from those well-worn paths to try something entirely new, eating provides a unique opportunity for grati cation.So what makes the taste of one recipe stand out from another?Texture, perhaps;On the farm with Drew and Steve showcasing some of the presentation, possibly; spice, de nitely. fresh grown chili peppers and a basket of some of their sauces.With decades of experience, Steve Best and Scugogsthe chilis we use, Steve explains.Technically, chilis are Drew Jacobson are well familiar with the interplay of alla fruit, so we adapted the word berry from other more three factors.But its that third element which capturedfamiliar fruits.He laughs, then continues: We get that their culinary imaginations and provided the foundationquestion a lot!for their business, Hurt Berry Farm. Hurt Berrys founding philosophies were simple: create Drew and I met when we were working in a com- a variety of premium, gourmet-grade hot sauces and to mercial kitchen, Steve recalls.We found we shared amanufacture their products using as many locally-sourced number of interests and became friends. ingredients as possible.One of those common interests, not surprisingly, wasWe grow our chilis on the farm right here in Scugog. cooking.Drew was particularly fascinated with the foodsOur seeds may have come from foreign origins, but virtu-of far- ung locations. ally all our other ingredients are local because we consider I had a passion for spicy foods, and investigated localourselvesfor our community.We call thatag-wavers dishes wherever I went, he says.My idea was to growway of thinking Lo-Con, short for local content.exotic chilis and create small-batch hot sauces. Theircomponentssourced,severalmonthsexperi-Drew brought the concept to life; shortly afterward, hementation followed as they re ned their product.shared his activities with his friend Steve. We took a chefs approach to our creations, Drew He introduced it to me, as this is what Ive been doingsays.Rather than simply combining the required in-in my spare time, Steve laughs.I was excited by thegredientsduringthecookingprocess,weroastedthe prospect of taking a chance on ourselves and our back- vegetables and toasted the spices.We intended to deliver groundsso I was in! an experience.The pair ocially launched Hurt Berry Farm in 2019. Anyone can make a sauce hot.We work to make it The names a tongue-in-cheek reference to the heat oftaste great.50 FOCUS - OCTOBER 2020'