b'Visit us in-store or online today!PUBLISHERS NOTE:. . . aaaannnnd . . . Were back!We would like to take this opportunity once again to thank absolutely every one for your support during the last three months. Like so many businesses, we learned a new way to do business in publishing six online newsletters in an attempt to keep everyone informed on what was happening throughout Scugog.We had lots of help from friends along the way through bulletins on Facebook, to so many that reached out and shared good deeds happening and the many likes, shares and comments. We certainly appreciated all the feedback.As you read this printed version now, we cannot express our gratitude to our clients who have supported us in the past and to those of you, who may have somewhat struggled for the past months, to throw your support behind us! We have always maintained we are nothing without our advertisers and if not for them, you would not be reading this. Please support each andevery one of them!Stay safe,186 Queen St. Port Perry 905-985-2953 MaryAnn danasgoldsmithing.com P Buying a used car? PoorrttPPeerrrryy Let us do your vehicle A safety inspection!AuuttoommoottiivveeRepairs and Service BrakesOil Changes MaintenanceSuperior AlignmentsRepairsWE DO IT ALL!We do repairs and service to all makes and models1511 Reach Street, Port Perry905-985-1999www.portperryautomotive.cominfo @ portperryautomotive.com Like us onMonday-Friday: 8am - 5pm,Saturday: 8am - 12pm2FOCUS - AUGUST 2020'