b'Spanish teacher Ana Margarita keepingMarys colleague and friend, KatiaRory and Marg with their wonderful taxi driver, Marg up to date on the pandemic in Cuba. and her daughter Luna. Alex.Havana(continued from page 21)ity of Habaneros depend on public transit.Katias words that follow clearly depict the shopping When my school moved to online learning, many sta challengefacingCubans.The rstweekyoucould cuts were made, my dear Cuban friend, Katia, amongstillnd crackers and cookies, but other products were them.Katiasayssheismanagingtosupportherselfdicultto suchassoap,toothpaste,detergent,nd, and her two-year-old daughter, Luna, with the help oftoilet paper, chicken. Not all the stores were open, and a government-issued libreta (small notebook) which al- at those which were, you couldntnd all the products lows Cubans to buy some products at a very low price.in one store. I remember one day, I was in four queues Katia explained that during this challenging period, thein four di erent stores, to buy detergent. I was lucky government is including limited products such as laun- enough to get some in the last one. All the other stores dry soap (one bar), body wash (three bars), and someran out of it.You need to spend an entire day in one liquid detergent. queue in one store. If you have more than one store nearby, or you have means of transportation like me (a bicycle), then you can try your luck in others, but if you miss the ticket, (because they give tickets for you not to SWIM KIDS IS OPEN leave to other stores) then you miss the queue and the Kids Need Survival Skills in the Water opportunity to buy there.Our taxi driver friend, Alex, who became an invalu-Over 30 yearsable source of information, travel and fun for us during Indoor Poolexperienceat Balmy90 forour time in Havana, has told us that as the tourists dis-Child Comfort appeared, so did his means to earn money. Taxi drivers pay monthly for their licences, so Alex decided to stop paying for his. Fortunately, in late June, Alex was able to get a COVID licence, which allows him to drive again. But he says that after each pickup, he has to thoroughly clean his cab at private washing stations or at home with Finally SwimKids is allowed to open following the COVID 19 protocol set outparticular attention inside the car and on the door han-by the Durham Region Health Inspector, Red Cross and Life Saving Society.dles before heading out again. Alex says he spends more I am offering private lessons. $30/lesson. Instructor will be with child the fullhour.time cleaning his car than driving it but, of course, he is Due to COVID 19 he/she must be 6 feet apart. Under Red Cross level #4, a Parent,pleased and relieved to be earning money again.Adult or someone in the 10 person circle must be in the pool with the child. This is aAlthough times are tough in Cuba, Cubans are tougher. challenge to our instructors, as they prefer hands on, however this is my only option at this time to keep everyone safe.The innovation, resilience, and strength that we have seen Due to COVID 19 only 2 children in Pool and building at a time. in our friends tell us that they will prevail. This is not therst 2 separate change rooms provided. major challenge in their history to overcome and, if Individualized lesson plan available.our friends are any indication, Cubans will work relent-Free Goggles if you register. Offering open Adult Swims $8/swim MondayFriday 1-3pm Please call, as I am limited to 2 swimmers at a time. lessly and patiently to survive. Post-pandemic, we hope that tourists willthe beaches, towns and cities ofood Owned & Operated by Julie Goodwin Cuba.All Cubans will be waiting with outstretched arms.(ECE Cer., NCCP Level 3, LSS Examiner, Master Swimmer)As for Rory and I, we have no regrets returning to Canada. It is where we need to be at this time.But, prob-905-985-1709 ably forever more, Camila Cabellos words will ring true 16625 Old Simcoe Road,Port Perry for us half of my heart is in HavanaBy Marg Snider-McGrath, Special to Focus on Scugog22FOCUS - AUGUST 2020'