b'An original poem . VETERAN BILL DICKINSON 111111 POPPY SEEDS B ill Dickinson was a great They walk with slow, unsteady gait. Tales of the Do Up Guy and Chicken Tongue Sandwiches Once young could leap ave barred gate.Now their numbers few, a warningthat peace can die at dusk or dawning.Old boots tell a story when old soldiers meetNEVER FORGET comrades remembered, long treks and sore feet. storyteller,describedhis daughter Judy Phinney. At home there was dread at the knock on the door. When the late WWII veteran was Hopes dashed, cups smashed, shock on old kitchenoor. selling poppies, he told amusing war Restrain the bells pealing on still Sunday morn. stories,andpeoplelovedtohear Postpone negative news we now greet with a yawn. them. His poppy box and his empty Midst tales of war and bloody battle coffeecupswouldbeoverflowing the threats of more as sabres rattle.The head of the warhorse is lifted with knowing. with donations to the Legion Poppy The noise and the horror and bravery showing. fundincluding $50 and $100 dollar bills, Judy recalls. Good people study what held peace before. Bill used to take his medals into Hot Shots restrained behindrmly shut door. localschoolstoshowthestudents, Balance and courage, words measured with skill.To honour the fallen . remember them still. who had the opportunity to hear his reminiscencesaboutthe2ndWorld Written by L. Patricia Bayley War firsthand.It was exciting for the children, Judy said, to meet a real war veteran in uniform. THANK YOU Usually, the kids would see Bill in 2018 2018 FOR OUR his street clothes, working as a cross-Readers Readers ing guard at Prince Albert school, a Choice Awards Choice Awards FREEDOM post retirement job that he enjoyed PORT PERRY STAR PORT PERRY STAR for 21 years.BESTBESTHeresacutestory.Billwould DENTIST DENTAL OFFICE MARK WILLES make sure that all of the little kids 462 Paxton Street, Port Perry Automotive would have their hats on, mitts on, Located across from the hospital in the Medical Associates building Appointments:905-985-9292 and zippers zipped. One day, when Mark & LeahannBillwasnotondutyasacrossing 905-985-8459 Willes HOURS:Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm guard,andhissonMikewasat www.dentistportperry.com 1511 Reach Road, Unit 2, Port Perry the school, a little boy asked Mike, WherestheDoUpGuy?Mike LEST WE FORGET says,WhatsaDoUpGuy?TheWilliam Herbert Dickinson.We must remember. If we do not, the sacri ce of those one hundred consciousness; our future is their monument. During times of war,child answered, The guy who do up thousand Canadian lives will be meaningless. They died for us, individual acts of heroism occur frequently; only a few are evermy coat! keephismemoryalive,andJudy for their homes and families and friends, for a collection of traditionsrecorded and receive of cial recognition. By remembering all whoBill, the Do Up guy, had a drylikes to continue to share them.they cherished and a future they believed in; they died for Canada.have served, we recognize their willingly-endured hardships andsense of humour, Judy described. Her Dad lost his stripes 13 times, The meaning of their sacri ce rests with our collective national fears, taken upon themselves so that we could live in peace. The sandwich story is a classic. Billshe says, for misdemeanors such as was at a canteen and he asked whatnot returning from leave on time. But kind of sandwiches were on special.he made up for it by being decoratedAlthough Bill lost his stripes 13 times, he In honour of those who served, ThewaitresssaiditwasalovelywiththeFrenchstar,theGermanycertainly made up for it by being highly In memory of those who fell, tongue sandwich. Bill quipped thatstar, the 3945 Star, the Defense Medal,decorated.THANK YOU VETERANS. he didnt want to eat anything thattheKingGeorgeMedalandthe had been in a chickens mouth Volunteer Medal. grenades.Billthrewhisperfectly. and did they have any egg salad? As a wireless operator, Bill learnedAnother guy didnt. So Bill grabbed JudyPhinneyisveryproudofMorsecodeandrelayedmessagesit to toss it away, and the explosion herdad,SignalmanWilliamBillto relay to the troops, including thecaused metal to hit his mouth, and Dickinson, who served with the 4thhistoricannouncementthatWWIIthats how he lost all his teeth.CanadianArmyDivisionSignalswas over! Another anecdote involves being 16210 Island Rd., Port Perry905-985-8698 x 103 Corps. Born in Toronto on FebruaryBillwasinjuredduringtraining,givenaChristmasturkeytoshare museum@scugog.cawww.scugog.ca/museum 14,1922,Billpassedawayonnot in battle. In London, England, the September13,2006.Buthisstoriesmen were being taught to throw handPlease turn to page 5250 FO FOFOCUCSUS S NEOPVTEEMMBBEERR2200116951FOCCUUSS NSOEVPETMEMBEBRER 2 0210916'