b'41 Port Perry Army Cadets:leadership skills, travel, friendship and adventureand its all for free!My kids are amazing. They are all rockstars, commented Training Of cer Syd Bailie of the 41 Port Perry Army Cadets.THE FUNCTION OF LEADERSHIPIS TO PRODUCEMORE LEADERS,NOT MORE FOLLOWERS.An important part of being a cadet is participating in Remembrance Day activities. Theweek of November, look for teams of tworst cadets selling poppies at local stores. You might also see Syd driving by to ensure that her kids are okay. Safety is #1, she noted.Local cadets served the meal at the Veterans Dinner hosted by Port Perry Legion on October 5. They proudly participate in the annual Remembrance Day parade.Sometimes the school asks a cadet in uniform to talkExcellent team building training.to the other students about Remembrance Day, Syd said. Our cadets get it, she commented, on the subject ofneed to learn what happened in the past to avoid making honouring our veterans. Cadets are taught to acknowl- the same mistakes today.edge their service, and appreciate that their e orts result- Vandalizingwarmonumentsisnottherightway ed in the democracy and the freedoms that we all enjoy.for anti-war protesters to express themselves, Syd feels. Many cadets become advocates, Syd added.When people become destructive, its not okay.During COVID when the cadets met virtually, Syds sons were among the speakers who shared personal sto- HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEER CREDITSries about their journey through the program, and how itCadets participate in community clean-up days and enhanced their formative teen years. fundraisers for the food bank. They earn high school vol-She emphasized the need for public education to pro- unteer credits as well as learning how to be good citizens.mote respect for our veterans, and to acknowledge whatSyd has been part of the cadet program for 22 years, they sacri ced for the bene t of future generations. ever since her oldest son Zac dragged her out to sign Knowing our history is important, Syd said. Wehim up. 34FO34 FOOCCCUUUSSS - N NSOEOVPVETEMEMMBBEBERERR 2 2 020202212634 FRemembrance Day.indd 34 2022-10-24 12:38 PM'