b'WARNING: FOR ADULTS ONLY!PHOTO CREDIT:J. PETER HVIDSTENThe man behind the beardince 2014, Tim Gri en hasthis month. step in. I would love to be Santa!cheerfully donned his redPlaying Santa is somewhat of a fam- Sometimes, Timlled in for Larry, SantaClaussuitandde- ily tradition. Tims wife Cathys stepwho had bad knees so it was dicult lighted the community bygrandfather,thelateRalphWilbur,for him to stand for long periods of spreading Christmas cheer. was the local Santa for 25 years. Thentime at events such as the Christmas Its all about keeping the dreamthelateLarryMabley,whopassedTree Lighting ceremony. When Larry alive, he commented. the torch onto Tim eight years ago,hunguphisSantahatandretired Tim says that he makes the tran-the role. Larry and Tim got toin2013,Timwasaskedtoreplacelled sition to Santa while driving fromknow each other when they servedhim by Kenna Kozak, who was the his house to his public appearances. on the Prince Albert Cemetery BoardDirector of the Scugog Chamber of The guest of honour at this yearstogether. Commerce at that time.parade, Santa Tim will also welcomeTimrecallstellingLarry,Ifyou visitors to his Santa Hut downtownever step down, I would be willing toPlease turn to page 4FOCUS - DECEMBER 20213'