FOCUS - FEBRUARY 2019 5 Belleville at the museum there. The flight school curriculum is very demanding and intensive, but Madeline is used to studying and self-discipline. She’s earned her grade eight piano and theory, plus she plays the French horn with the Durham Chamber Orchestra. At the age of three, Madeline was ski racing. (Her parents are both coaches at Skyloft.) Last March, she participated in the Ontario Winter Games. While growing up, she also mastered waterskiing, the violin, bal- let and Highland Dancing. A singer, she was part of the Uxbridge produc- tion of The Newsies. “Madeline was always very coor- dinated and very determined,” says Suzanne, adding that at the age of three, she insisted on wearing her tutu and ballet slippers under her ski suit. After skiing, little Madeline would delight everyone in the chalet with her dancing and twirling, her mom said nostalgically. “This is a good story about a female getting ahead in a man’s world -- as the world of aviation is perceived by society,” Suzanne com- mented. “We are so proud of all she has accomplished.” She sees her daughter as a role model for other women. Modest herself, Madeline’s focus is on her future working as a com- mercial pilot, as a window to the world of travel and adventure. One flight at a time…. Madeline with her little brother Jeremie when he graduated from the recruit program at Chadburn and was allowed to proudly wear his uniform for the first time. The other side of Madeline as she models for her friend Christina Todorov, who is training to become a professional photographer. By Lynn Campbell, Focus on Scugog 168 Queen St.,Port Perry 905-985-2521 SAXX   