4 FOCUS - MAY 2017 Admittedly the class clown, Riley Beanish brings humour to the role of Scuttle the Seagull. “I’m the comic relief,” he says, flapping his wings. Luke Spadzinski has made the role of Sebastian the Crab his own, hamming it up a bit, with his bright red costume and red face makeup. He gets to swim and dance around. “I made him a comical character,” he says. Melissa Thornton as Ursula the Sea Witch. The Little Mermaid (continued from page 3) Luke Spadzinski as Sebastion the Crab. Reches Pasternak as King Triton Riley Beanish as Scuttle the Seagull. The hero of this enchanting tale, Prince Eric, aka Josh McQuaig, is well suited to his role as the Little Mermaid’s love interest, and he’s looking forward to singing his solo. Reches Pasternak, cast as King Triton, says he based his charac- ter on one of his favourite TV Dads, Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. All of the students are talented singers and actors, who are ac- tive in the school’s drama club. They enjoy putting on skits. Many participated in the amazing production of Grease put on at the school two years ago. Every single lead character in The Little Mermaid Jr. commented that this play is so much fun. Teacher Librarian Hanna Ousenek, who serves as a Director along with Julie Renwick and Stephen Manson, noted that rehearsals started in January for the May shows. Art students work alongside teacher Meghan Marquis to create the colourful stage sets, like the magical kingdom beneath the sea.